An untraditional services brochure


A few years back, while working at a digital marketing agency called Oneupweb, I was the primary designer who launched a new take on the typical services brochure. Dubbed TheMerge™, the team produced a full digital-marketing print magazine in place of a traditional services catalog. Our goal was to give our clients, and prospective clients, a detailed look at the services provided by Oneupweb by portraying our creative approach, our services and our design skills. The magazine was never meant to be a regular publication, but it's been a great success, and, since its launch, people have been calling and emailing to ask how much it would cost to subscribe to it.

check out the work

A Dogs Life Training Logo
I'm the "gentle-BULLDOZER" that will help you take your creative business to the next level.

No seriously, I am. And I'm here to help you out. You see, us artists, we are a special breed. We're creative, passionate, and driven individuals who often have a lot of trouble sticking to traditional business practices. That's where I come in! I'll give you the boost you need to get your art career off the ground and all the tools to do it right. Whether it's providing inspiration when you're feeling down, or kicking you in the butt when you need it, or heck, designing you a professional website. I'm here to help. So what are you waiting for? Let's get started!

Love To You - Heather Bunker

CEO of Heather Bunker Branding Co and